These tips are in no particular order; however, these are all things that successful trainers make sure they take care of. How many of these are you currently doing?
1: They create a niche
What is a niche? A niche refers to a product that has appeal to a small or specialised section of the population. A niche as a personal training means having a speciality area that you are the expert in. Nobody wants to go to the person that read a book on weight loss, muscle building or strength, they want to go to the person who WROTE the book.
Decide what you want your niche to be and start operating in that field with everything that you have. Produce valuable content for your target market and show yourself as an expert in that field. Many personal trainers’ market themselves as specialising in multiple areas. This dilutes the field and has them competing in a dense market. Make your market small and specialised and flourish!
Need proof? Look up Brett Contreras, the glute guy!
2: They network with peers
Do not ever be afraid to ask questions, get advice and ask for others opinion. Speaking with other people in the industry will help broaden your knowledge and ideas and help you think outside of the box.
Why not try this? Find 4 trainers whose content you enjoy and invite them for a coffee to talk training. Not only will this give you a chance to discuss your ideas and get new prospective on training, but you will form friendships and bonds. This allows you both to direct clients from each other niche and builds your client base. You can also collaborate and help build each other’s presence and brand.
3. Learn, Improve and Evolve
Ensure that you adapt with the industry. Every month, new ideas and concepts fill the industry. Both good, and bad. Make sure you are not the last person to get on the train, be the torchbearer and become the expert.
Books are a great way of improving your knowledge and forming new ideas. A good book has already been researched and is presenting all of the authors findings back to you. Books are gold in regard to bang for buck from time spent to knowledge gained. Look out for upcoming book reviews on this blog!
Finally, ensure you evolve your product. This does not need to be large scale changes but make small improvements all the time. You should ALWAYS be putting out your best possible product to your clients. Never rest on your laurels.
4. Under promise and over deliver
Never underestimate the power of value to your client. Create fake value in your product and the client will see through it as soon as they start the program. Be confident in your offer and sell that, not a false promise, even if it means slow sales at the start.
If you promise something to a client and do not deliver it, they will not rate your service or recommend it. Offer a service you are confident in delivering and then work to create a VIP experience for that client. Every detail that the client gets that was not expected, no matter how small, will have a positive impact. This leads to referrals, social media shout-outs and brand growth.
I hope you can take something useful form these tips and your business continues to grow. As ever, if you have any questions, send me over a message on the main website.